Syllabi of Courses Taught in English

  Syllabus of Accounting Theory I.docx

 Syllabus of Basics of E-commerce.docx

 Syllabus of Asian Economy.docx

 Syllabus of China’s International Trade Practice.docx

 Syllabus of Consumer Behavior.docx

 Syllabus of Corporate Finance.docx

 Syllabus of Economic Law.docx

 Syllabus of ERP Simulation.docx

 Syllabus of Graduate Thesis.docx

 Syllabus of Graduation Practice (Internship III).docx

 Syllabus of International Business  Law.docx

 Syllabus of International Business Correspondence and Etiquette.docx

 Syllabus of International Business Negotiation.docx

 Syllabus of International Economic Law.docx

 Syllabus of International Economics.docx

 Syllabus of International Finance.docx

 Syllabus of International Marketing.docx

 Syllabus of Market Research.docx

 Syllabus of Multi-national Corporation Management.docx

 Syllabus of Organizational Behavior.docx

 Syllabus of Principles of Finance.docx

 Syllabus of Principles of Macroeconomics.docx

 Syllabus of Principles of Management.docx

 Syllabus of Principles of Marketing.docx

 Syllabus of Principles of Microeconomics.docx

 Syllabus of Quantitative Research Method.docx

 Syllabus of Strategic Management.docx

 Syllabus of Strategic Marketing.docx

 Syllabus of Transition and Development of Chinese Economy.docx

 Syllabus of Calculus for Business and Economics 微积分(工商与经济学用).docx

 Syllabus of China Today 今日中国-孙建月.docx

 Syllabus of Chinese Society and Customs 中国社会与风俗-汪婷.doc

 Syllabus of Chinese Survey 中国概况(英文)-李华.docx

 Syllabus of Cross-culture Business Communications 跨文化商务交流-汪婷.doc

 Syllabus of Elementary Chinese Ⅰ 初级汉语综合1-陈海芳.doc

 Syllabus of Explore China 感知中国-孙岚.docx

 Syllabus of Elementary Chinese II 初级汉语综合2-包晨颖、陈海芳.doc

 Syllabus of HSK4 Capacity Strongthening Tutorial HSK4能力强化课-胡小英.doc

 Syllabus of Intermediate Chinese Ⅱ中级汉语综合2-阮蓓.doc

 Syllabus of Intermediate ChineseⅠ中级汉语综合1-应玮.doc

 Syllabus of Mathematical Fundamentals 数学基础.docx

 Syllabus of Mental Health Education for Foreign Students 留学生心理健康教育-张璐德.docx

 Syllabus of Orientation Education Course for International Students(English-taught)始业教育课程大纲-高志胜.doc

 Syllabus of Professional Writing in English 专业英语写作-邓韵声.doc

 Syllabus of Statistics (for Business and Economics) 统计学(工商业用).docx