


1. 基本信息


2. 学术代表成果

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*. How inclusive digital financial services impact user behavior: A case of proximity mobile payment in Korea. Sustainability, 2021, 13. SSCI收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*. Examining the influencing factors of third-party mobile payment adoption: A comparative study of Alipay and WeChat Pay. The Journal of Information Systems, 2017, 26(4). KCI 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*, Chang-Qing Duan. An empirical study on the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity: Mediating role of perception of meaning in work and work engagement. Journal of Digital Convergence, 2018, 16(8). KCI 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*, Chang-Qing Duan. Examining the structural relationship among leadership styles, employee empowerment and organizational commitment: Evidence from Chinese IT companies. Journal of Digital Convergence, 2018, 16(8). KCI 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*. An application of Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methodology for ranking the factors influencing FinTech adoption intention: A comparative study of China and Korea. Journal of Service Research and Studies, 2017, 7(4). KCI 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*. Examining the effects of e-vendor’s characteristics on consumers’ purchase intention: WeChat case. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016, 9(46). SCOPUS 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*. Analyzing the adoption of online payment using system dynamics. Journal of Industrial Convergence, 2018, 16(1). KCI 收录期刊.

Hong-Lei Mu, Young-Chan Lee*, Fang-Ran Dong. Examining the influencing factors of NFC (Near Field Communication) payment adoption in China. Journal of Industrial Convergence, 2018, 16(3). KCI 收录期刊.

*表示通讯作者, KCI表示韩国期刊引文索引)

3. 教学成果
